The Book of Common Prayer | |||||||
The 1928 Edition was the third Spanish Prayer Book produced by the U. S. Episcopal Church. The generic nature of the prayers for the President and Congress in this book indicate that it was primarily intended for use outside the United States, in areas of Latin America where the local Anglican Church was part of the U. S. Episcopal Church. This included (at the time this book was published) Mexico, Central America, parts of the West Indies, and Northern South America. Prior to this, Spanish editions had been issued of the 1789 BCP (published 1860), and of the 1892 (published 1905). The copy used here has no publication data (other than the words "The National Council" you see on the title page at right), and there is no certificate. It appears to be completely identical to the 1928 U. S. Book, with the exception of some of the prayers noted above. There is an inscription in my copy dated 1955, and the book appears identical in size, format, and typography, to copies of the 1928 BCP from that time. It is listed in David Griffiths' Bibliography of the Book of Common Prayer as 162:18 (with an obviously incorrect date of 1962). Another copy I have seen, dated 1962, states that it is for the use of: LA IGLESIA EPISCOPAL rather than the Protestant Episcopal Church of the U. S., as on the title page at right. The book appears to be otherwise identical. Additionally, another edition (Griffiths 162:17) was issued previously in 1930 by the SPCK. This translation is nearly (but not completely) identical to the one presented here. It bears no official sanction nor is there even any mention of the Episcopal Church in it. It is complete except for omitting nearly everything before Morning Prayer, the Ordinal, and the Articles of Religion. As I am not well-versed in Spanish, I would, as usual, appreciate any and all corrections and comments. |
Indice | |
RATIFICACIÓN DEL LIBRO DE ORACIÓN COMÚN The Ratification of the Book of Common Prayer | iv |
PREFACIO The Preface | v |
LO CONCERNIENTE A LOS OFICIOS DE LA IGLESIA, INCLUYENDO EL USO DEL SALTERIO Y DEL LECCIONARIO Concerning the Service of the Church, Including the use of the Psalter and the Lectionary | vii |
SELECCIONES DE SALMOS Selections of Psalms | ix |
TABLAS DE SALMOS LECCIONES PARA EL ANO CRISTIANO Psalms and Lessons for the Christian Year | x |
CALENDARIO The Calendar | xlvi |
TABLAS Y REGLAS PARA LAS FIESTAS FIJAS Y MOVIBLES CON LOS DÍAS DE AYUNO Y ABSTINENCIA DURANTE EL ANO Y LOS DÍAS DE SOLEMNE ROGATIVA Tables and Rules for the Movable and Immovable Feasts, Together with the Days of Fasting and Abstinence Throughout the Year, and the Days of Solemn Supplication | l |
TABLAS DE PRECEDENCIAS Tables of Precedence | li |
TABLAS PARA HALLAR LOS DÍAS SANTOS Tables for finding Holy Days | lii |
ORDEN PARA LA ORACIÓN MATUTINA DIARIA The Order for Daily Morning Prayer | 3 |
ORDEN PARA LA ORACIÓN VESPERTINA DIARIA The Order for Daily Evening Prayer | 21 |
ORACIONES Y ACCIONES DE GRACIAS Prayers and Thanksgivings | 35 |
LETANÍA The Litany | 54 |
OFICIO PENITENCIAL PARA EL MIÉRCOLES DE CENIZA A Penitential Office for Ash Wednesday | 61 |
ORDEN PARA LA ADMINISTRACIÓN DE LA CENA DEL SEÑOR, O SANTA COMUNIÓN The Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper, or Holy Communion | 67 |
COLECTAS, EPÍSTOLAS Y EVANGELIOS The Collects, Epistles, and Gospels Estacion de Adviento a Estacion de Pascua Estacion de la Ascension a Estacion de la Trinidad Dias Santos | 90 |
ADMINISTRACIÓN DEL SANTO BAUTISMO The Ministration of Holy Baptism | 263 |
OFICIOS DE INSTRUCCIÓN Offices of Instruction | 272 |
ORDEN DE LA CONFIRMACIÓN The Order of Confirmation | 285 |
CELEBRACIÓN DEL MATRIMONIO The Solemnization of Matrimony | 289 |
ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS DESPUÉS DEL ALUMBRAMIENTO The Thanksgiving of Women after Child-birth | 294 |
VISITACIÓN A LOS ENFERMOS Visitation of the Sick | 297 |
COMUNIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS The Communion of the Sick | 310 |
OFICIO DE ENTIERROS The Order for the Burial of the Dead | 313 |
ENTIERRO DE UN NIÑO Burial of a Child | 326 |
EL SALTERIO O SALMOS DE DAVID The Psalter, or Psalms of David [The translation used is the Reina-Valera, which can be found at, among other places. The Psalter generally uses 'Señor' where the R-V has 'Jehová'.] | 333 |
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FORMULAS PARA ORDENAR DIÁCONOS Y PRESBÍTEROS Y PARA CONSAGRAR OBISPOS The Form and Manner of Ordaining Deacons and Priests, and for Consecrating Bishops | 499 |
LETANÍA PARA LAS ORDENACIONES The Litany for Ordinations | 529 |
FORMULA PARA LA CONSAGRACIÓN DE UNA IGLESIA O CAPILLA The Form of Consecration of a Church or Chapel | 532 |
OFICIO DE INSTITUCIÓN DE MINISTROS An Office of Institution of Ministers | 538 |
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CATECISMO A Catechism | 547 |
ORACIONES PARA USO DE LAS FAMILIAS Forms of Prayer to be used in Families | 555 |
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ARTÍCULOS DE LA RELIGIÓN Articles of Religion | 571 |
Web author: Charles Wohlers | U. S. • England • Scotland • Ireland • Wales • Canada • World |
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